It’s an odd title for such a bittersweet day.
It’s Jodi’s birthday. That’s reason to celebrate. But she’s no where to be found, and that’s agonizing for her family, friends and those of us holding out hope that her case will be closed, for good. There will be no presents for Jodi today. The best present for anyone at this point…is bringing her home.
Jodi would have turned 45-years-old today. It’s tough to imagine because Jodi never ages. As I sit here importing her old, worn VHS tape footage into my computer to digitize the contents and preserve in our archives, I see the same image of the bubbly blond who was so excited to be in television news. It’s evident. And I read the letters to her friends wishing them happy birthdays, the follow-up notes after they took trips, the images with her flowery cursive writing on the back indicating date and event. Smiley faces usually completed her signatures.
If you’re new to this website, first off, thank you. Thanks for your interest, intrigue, curiosity or whatever it is that brought you here. Our organization is growing. In two years, we’ve not only created, Inc. as a 501(c)(3) entity, we’ve added four additional team members and we’re blazing forward with new plans for the investigation.
Ways you can help (click any box)
New information in the coming weeks
In the coming weeks, you’ll see some interesting content on this website:
- Several team members will attend the ‘Day of Hope‘ golf event put on by Jodi’s Network of Hope, a non-profit created by Jodi’s friends and family.
- The 18th anniversary of Jodi’s disappearance on June 27th
- Gary Peterson recently spoke with the Clear Lake, Iowa attorney tasked and directed by the court to conduct an independent investigation of Jodi’s death. He would later recommend an order be entered establishing the death of Jodi Huisentruit by law. It’s an interesting look at the process and how this decision still affects people in different ways given Jodi has never been found.
- The team has received several leads and the tipsters are saying things we’ve never come across before. We’ll take a look at some of the circumstances surrounding the leads in an effort to gain some information by our readers.
- Video. We have a lot of old media reports, both locally and nationally. Look for stories to be added to the Media tab of the website.
Why we need your help, Inc. is funded by donations and by the team members themselves. Donations have dropped of significantly in the last year. If you think this organization makes thousands, you’re wrong. ‘Hundreds’ is stretching it. We appreciate any financial support we can get from you, the reader. Your donation is tax-deductible and helps to cover the costs of travel expenses, software, website hosting and domain fees, court-report expenses, postage and many other minor expenses. We don’t spend a lot because technology allows us to get a lot done from afar. See our recent post on how we use technology to communicate our meetings.
We encourage you to subscribe to The Bulletin, a weekly newsletter sent to your inbox with the latest website posts from the prior week. Don’t worry, no spam included. We hate spam too. You’re email will not be used for anything but the automated system that sends you the newsletter.
We also do hope you will support our mission – whether that is conversing on our Forum, or making a financial donation. Again, we can’t thank you enough.
Together, we hope we can find the one clue that closes this case for good and finally allows Jodi’s family and friends to rest easy knowing Jodi is back home.
Thank you.