Image (Source: Dennis Magee, WCF Courier) Theresa “Terri” Supino was in the courtroom Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015, in Waterloo for the prosecution’s closing statements.
UPDATE: Jurors have been sent home for the day. Deliberations start again at 9:00 a.m.WCF Courier // Jurors are deliberating Theresa “Terri” Supino’s guilt or innocence at this hour.
Her defense attorney Steven Addington concluded his closing statement, and then prosecutor Michael Jacobsen offered a rebuttal. Judge Terry Rickers turned the case over to members of the jury about 2:45 p.m.
Authorities allege Supino used a heavy instrument with a sharp edge to kill her estranged husband, Steven Fisher, 20, and his girlfriend, Melisa Gregory, 17. The pair died nearly 32 years ago on the Copper Dollar Ranch in Jasper County.
Authorities arrested Supino, now 54, in 2014, and the case moved to Waterloo on a change of venue. The trial began Feb. 2.
Prosecutor Scott Nicholson during his closing statement completed his “puzzle of guilt” this morning for jurors, piecing together evidence and laying out theories that he says proves Theresa “Terri” Supino committed two counts of first-degree murder.
According to Nicholson’s version of events, Supino was upset and went looking for her two-timing husband. She got a ride from her twin brother, Tim Supino, and went to the horse farm.
Nicholson theorized Supino discovered her husband with Gregory in a 20-foot camper and “interrupted” them.
Nicholson noted the severity of Fisher’s and Gregory’s injuries: Both suffered multiple “chop” wounds to their heads and faces, and their skulls were “crushed.”
Given those wounds, Nicholson said “you don’t have to be a CSI investigator to realize” the killer engaged in overkill. He added the brutal attacks “clearly shows rage.”
“I submit to you, when Terri Supino went to the ranch, she got her heart broken again,” Nicholson said.
Nicholson also suggested Fisher had to know his killer. The prosecutor cited as evidence the fact Fisher existed the trailer and was only wearing blue jeans. A shotgun was also available in the camper.
“If he thought he was in some kind of danger, he would have pulled the shotgun,” Nicholson told jurors.
During his closing statement, which lasted about two hours, Nicholson referenced many of Supino’s statements to investigators and many inconsistencies in her version of events. In particular, Nicholson talked about Supino describing a crime scene photo that showed Gregory seated at the camper’s dining table.
Gregory’s nude body was discovered on its back, lying on a bench beside the table.
No such photo exists as the one described by Supino, according to Nicholson. He suggested Supino saw a wounded Gregory sitting at the table because Supino was in the camper.
“Where did that image come from if she wasn’t there to see it?” Nicholson asked.
Nicholson said Supino had a strong motive and the opportunity to kill, and he drew a conclusion for jurors.
“The way those two young people were killed, it’s clearly murder in the first degree,” he said.
Addington told jurors the case was “a murder mystery from 1983,” and he, too, was waiting for “that one twist that will tell you who did it.”
“There was no twist in this case,” Addington said.
Except for the introduction of a television reality show, “Cold Justice.” Jasper County Sheriff John Halferty and other investigators worked with the show prior to arresting Supino.
“They needed a good ending,” Addington told jurors. “And that’s why we’re here today.”
Addington acknowledged the prosecutors’ theory that Supino killed Fisher and Gregory.
“However, there is no physical evidence,” Addington said.
He reminded jurors police found none of Supino’s hair, blood, DNA, fibers or fingerprints at the crime scene. Addington also noted investigators recovered no physical evidence off Supino’s clothes, residence or vehicle she was reportedly in.
“It is impossible to believe Theresa Fisher, Theresa Supino, did not take any of the crime scene with her,” Addington said.
Subsequent DNA tests conducted only recently also failed to identify Supino’s DNA.
“That only makes us more confident there was no blood on her clothes,” Addington told jurors.
Addington showed jurors Supino’s jeans from the era introduced as evidence.
“Terri was an 80-pound woman … They want you to believe the woman who wore those jeans overpowered Steven Fisher and Melisa Gregory,” Addington said, holding up the small pants.