We want to invite our visitors to help us.
If you have any pictures of Jodi, or her friends, acquaintances, co-workers, etc., we’d like to see them. We’ve created a special page where you can go to upload any images you have of Jodi and others.
Specifically, we’re looking for images the night of her birthday party in 1995, images from the bars she would hang out at with friends (OP Bar, etc.). But we’re also looking for general, everyday images of Jodi to share on this website.
To upload images just click on MEDIA >> UPLOAD YOUR IMAGES.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can stay anonymous and select an option on if you’d like to be listed as a source of the image or not. We will not post all images to the website. This is more for information we’re trying to find related to specific persons. But if you’d like us to share the image on the site as a dedication to Jodi, please make a note when sending.
Simply fill out the form here, attach the images and submit.
Thanks for your help. We’re ramping up our efforts to find Jodi and your help is needed now more than ever.
Additional Request: There was a videotape that was shot during Jodi’s party that currently resides in the evidence room at Mason City Police headquarters. If you attended that party, shot video or took any pictures, we’d like to hear from you. You can upload the images to the above form listed, or you can send us your information on our contact page (anonymous included).
Thanks again for your support.