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what was the motive?
October 2, 2010
6:13 pm

I wonder what the motive was regarding the abduction and murder of Jodi Huisentruit.

Was it an abduction, rape and murder?

Was it a crime of passion, based on ‘if I can’t have you then nobody can.’

Was the murder committed to eliminate a person who was learning too much about ‘illicit drugs’ in Mason City and its surrounds.

It is quite possible there was another motive altogether.

Establishing a motive is often the key to solving homicides.

What do you think the motive was for murdering Jodi?

October 2, 2010
9:37 pm

My theory...Drug related, Jodi knew something about it, being a reporter, they fiqured they had to get rid of Her fast in case She took it to The News!! Long Story, Made Short!!
I'm trying Not to think about The Cruelity Part.........

October 3, 2010
2:45 pm

Something I discovered on my trip may suggest that it could have been an accident. Someone who was in love with her that she shunned approached her. In a heated agruement she pulled away and she fell and was injured or killed. They panicked and picked her up and put her in his vehicle to take to the hospital and then discovered she was dead and didn't know what to do.

It haunts him to this day and he visits the scene of the crime often and drinks.

October 3, 2010
7:13 pm

Something to think about??

October 12, 2012
10:24 am

Janette said
I wonder what the motive was regarding the abduction and murder of Jodi Huisentruit.

Was it an abduction, rape and murder?

Was it a crime of passion, based on ‘if I can’t have you then nobody can.’

Was the murder committed to eliminate a person who was learning too much about ‘illicit drugs’ in Mason City and its surrounds.

It is quite possible there was another motive altogether.

Establishing a motive is often the key to solving homicides.

What do you think the motive was for murdering Jodi?


October 12, 2012
10:26 am

Janette said
Something I discovered on my trip may suggest that it could have been an accident. Someone who was in love with her that she shunned approached her. In a heated agruement she pulled away and she fell and was injured or killed. They panicked and picked her up and put her in his vehicle to take to the hospital and then discovered she was dead and didn't know what to do.

It haunts him to this day and he visits the scene of the crime often and drinks.

He lives a 1000 miles away. I doubt he comes back to visit the scene.

December 6, 2012
12:49 pm

Case Follower
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December 5, 2012
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the palm? With advancement in dna testing they can extract dna from just about anything. Molecular levels of dna can be detected from skin cells. If the smear could be tested I bet you could get some molecular level dna. Touch DNA has some possibilities.

December 6, 2012
1:41 pm

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November 13, 2012
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Is it true, I mean absolutely true, meaning the MCPD and FBI stated in front of the cameras that a palm print with blood on it was found on top of the car?  If it is indeed true then Mr. Ethics above post is absolutely correct.  They more than likely can pull DNA from the print or blood and bring people of interest in for samples and match it up.  That would be HUGE!!!  But back to my original question is it true?  Anybody?

December 6, 2012
7:49 pm

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I found a video of it. Lt. Van de weerd on the Huisentruit files. I would jate playinf poker with that guy!

December 7, 2012
9:55 am

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Genetics is nothing new in the police world. It has been used to find people innocent of crimes but also it has been used to reopen files that have been thought unsolvable. In this case you may think that you do not have a body but in reality you do. The blood that was used to make the print is the body you have. When a person become excited or is nervous you sweat in the palms. It is from the sweat that skin cells are lost. With the violence associated with the act it would be safe to say that the palms would have been sweaty and leaking fluid so the possibility does exist for the blood to have some skin cells. If the print was in a  swipe skin cells would have rubbed off on the painted surface.

I have deal with ethical issues in Bioethics that is how I came to know about Touch DNA. I am an Ethicist by trade.

December 9, 2012
8:42 am

Case Contributor
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November 9, 2012
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Twid said

Janette said
I wonder what the motive was regarding the abduction and murder of Jodi Huisentruit.

Was it an abduction, rape and murder?

Was it a crime of passion, based on ‘if I can’t have you then nobody can.’

Was the murder committed to eliminate a person who was learning too much about ‘illicit drugs’ in Mason City and its surrounds.

It is quite possible there was another motive altogether.

Establishing a motive is often the key to solving homicides.

What do you think the motive was for murdering Jodi?



I think the attacker had a festering hatred of Jodi. He hated women in general and Jodi in particular. That attack taking place on a Tuesday always was interesting to me. Why Tuesday? The simple and flip answer is: that is the day the assailant is there. It’s the only day that fits his schedule. He drives a delivery van (white or light colored) with the Key Apartments being a stop on his route. The flashers being on is consistent with making a delivery (newspaper, shopper?) He is familiar with the area and has seen Jodi leaving for work before. She is aware of his presence and thinks all is normal. He slips up behind her and slams her with the ‘blunt instrument,’ drags her to the van, and disappears into the unusually quiet morning. From the description of the scene, I would also hazzard a guess that he’s left handed.
I’m also certain there’s a witness, the man in Jodi’s apartment. He’s a few seconds behind her because he had to use the toilet (lid up) before leaving.
Just a few guesses ...

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