9:18 pm

I think a lot of our questions could be answered if they would only turn the records over to a cold case group.
Why are the police afraid to do that? Suppose there is something in the records they are afraid the public will find out.......... or that there are things they missed in the investigation and don't want the public to know.
Why cant they solve these cases. Bill Pruin and Jodi Huisentrut. Yeah... they never solved Bills murder either. They need to get over their reluctancy and let a cold case panel with a good track record solve these cases.
12:28 am

Thank you Janette, I will keep trying I only hope something comes of it or someone with a conscience comes forward. This has not been an easy case but I am a believer that she knew her abductor even if she only knew them by sight or a brief hello, like a corn seed salesman employee.
1:01 am

Curious George, that has been a bone of contention from a lot of us regarding a cold case unit. I even went on the FBI missing persons site and although they were involved in the investigation Jodi's picture is not among the missing reports of unsolved cases. I have wondered why not? I'm sure there is a reason I just can figure it out.
I understand MCPD has a cold case unit but why this file hasn't been given to them I wish I knew. I know of a national cold case investigative team made up of retired cold case detectives who may review a case upon request. Whether it's the PD or family who has to make the request I'm not sure.
I think we have to study all the new people who entered Jodi's life just prior to abduction. We know of one person presumably from her church who road with her to her apartment complex where she pointed out were she lived. Who that is I don't know.
Why someone who tracked her life in a diary never mentioned how scared she was when she knew she was being followed and the police had to escort her to work for protection.
How could she not mention that to her co-workers is beyond me, but we have her former boss stating he never knew she was "Habitually late" and was unaware the police had to escort her to work for fear of her life. This is one of his anchors for God sakes. How could he not know that.
Then you have the police claiming they were unaware she was being "Stalked" Yet they escorted her to work for her protection.
Jodi seemed to be a very open friendly individual. She must have had a friend someone she trusted no matter what that she confided in. That person needs to come forward and let us know what her concerns were or if she mentioned who it was she may have been scared of if she had such a person in mind.
Did Jodi suddenly ditch her old friends for new ones who may have been involved in things she shouldn't have seen or known about.
Pruin's death which was ruled a "Suicide" I believe was related and was only I think weeks before her abduction. She was friends with him, this could have caused her to begin to be seriously concerned for her safety.
Honkens girlfriend was working at the golf tournament luncheon the day before her abduction.
New people entering her life, being concerned for her safety and being stalked by a black pick up truck, her friend is murdered weeks before her abduction, someone pounding on her apartment door, all these things came together the morning of 6/27/95, that's why I don't think it was "Anyone with a television" as the police was quoted in one of the video's.
9:59 am

I Totally Agree Vinny....I just cannot believe how the years have gone by without knowing something???
11:39 am

Janette, where are her friends, someone knows something and after 15 years they should feel better about saying something. Unless the person they know something about is still out there and they fear him or them still. If they do know something, the police are not on their list to go to and provide that information we all so desperately seek. I can't believe she confided in no one.
We also know that she had a desire to be in a bigger market either in MN or AZ. HUMMM AZ, isn't someone we know in AZ, funny huh.
9:34 pm

MY Thoughts exactly Vinny....I think anyone that might have some kind of info, are scared to death of their own life and are staying with complete silence !!
1:06 am

:unsure: i thought jodi was visiting johny cornseed while someone was pounding on her door.
12:25 pm

You could be right Bob, I thought this person came to her apartment while she was at the Golf tournament in the afternoon sometime. I sure would like to know who that was, it could be the actual abductor, or someone who knew something was about to happen. Someone who had to speak with her maybe give her a heads up that something was going to happen. Whatever the reason he needed to speak to her pronto. He was pounding on the door not discreet in any way.
Again, if you layer all the activity right up to her abduction, to me, it's not "Anybody with a television".
12:22 pm

Because I personally think she knew her abductor, "Anyone with a television" which is what the police stated implies that it could have been a stranger, or someone with a Jodi crush. Of course it could have been, but then to stick to that line of thinking causes you to bury the obvious things that where happening around the time of her abduction. The contacts she had, the incidents that occurred leading up to 6/27/95.
Why are they so hesitant to release the files to someone who may have in sites other than their way of thinking while protecting the integrity of the case in case something develops.
We spin our thoughts based on what we know after all these years, to keep it fresh we tweak things that may or may not have meaning. Either they make sense or we throw each other off, but we try. I would rather try than expect a miracle from MCPD.
10:11 pm

My same thoughts are with You again Vinny....Where there's smoke there's fire....we can't just blow the flame out !!!
2:01 pm

Janette said
As I'm reading my last post, It just occurred to me that corn seed guy could have been the guy pounding on Jodi's door. What do other people think?.
Your right on!
3:38 pm

I couldn't agree more with Muskgrove and Vinny on this. I think within 5 hours of Jodi's abduction the police knew that Cornseed was the person knocking on the door because he told them. I read somewhere on a thread that Jodi was not killed by Cornseed but because of Cornseed. I think he cooperated from jump and that is why the police were able to clear him so quickly. Granted everytime he opened his mouth afterwards to the media he looked guilty but I think he has a pretty good idea of what happened to her and the only people he has to tell is and was LE and he did just that. I don't know to what extent he has talked to the family and if he has told them his suspicions or if LE passed that info along or not. Cornseed knew what happened to those 5 people that disappeared in 1993. He just didn't want to be next.
3:54 pm

Case Contributor
March 22, 2012

I've never bought into the theory that Jodi was abducted and murdered by someone else, e.g. Honken. The people Honken has been convicted of killing were all people who had a direct connection to him -- the two men were informants set to testify against Honken, the poor mother and her children were connected to one of the informants. It has never been proven in any way that Jodi herself or anyone she knew had a direct connection to Honken. And I honestly believe that, if Honken could have reduced his sentence by bargaining with LE using information about Jodi's demise/whereabouts, he would have done it by now in order to avoid execution. I think the perpetrator was insanely jealousy, feeling like he hadn't had a proper "return on his investment." He waited, he drank, he became more and more enraged, then he killed her, possibly accidently. Then he scrambled around like the coward he is to hide his crime, probably dumping Jodi in a body of water not far from the Key Apartments, weighing her body down with a makeshift anchor. Like Big Pappi, I think we know who did it and I don't believe for a minute that he has cooperated with the police in the investigation. Unfortunately, maybe for the first time in his life, the perpetrator has kept his big mouth shut. Or maybe, like a certain pro-football player who was acquitted of murder, he believes his own lies and has convinced himself he didn't do it.
1:25 pm

Case Follower
April 7, 2012

Tomahawk, there are a lot of maybe's, why have they's, I don't understand why they haven'ts, in this case. Many point to LE as a stumbling block to solving this case. I don't know the financial resources of MCPD but every time I read about an old case being solved 20+ years after the fact by a cold case unit it begs the biggest question of all, Why haven't they done that already?. Fresh eyes, independent of the area with a strong background, this case should be solved quickly.
The older this case gets the more the cast of characters dwindle down, sooner or later all your left with is speculation, so another question, If you aren't doing everything that is apparent in trying to solve the case and your not using every available resource, who benefits in waiting?. We can only speculate.
10:10 pm

Case Contributor
March 22, 2012

I agree with you, Vinny, this case was bungled from the start. Unfortunately, LE in that area has a very poor reputation and deservedly so.
Actually, I think they know who did it. The problem is, as law enforcement, they have to have real, hard evidence, not circumstantial (e.g. odd statements he made to people right after the kidnapping/murder, the name Jodi screamed as she was being attacked). Their case has to stand up in a court of law. If they bring him to justice based on a flimsy case, slick lawyers can get him off and that's it, it's over, even if 10 years from now DNA evidence analysis has progressed exponentially, to the point that they can find something microscopic on some artifact that directly liinks him to the crime, even if Jodi's remains are finally found in some farm pond.
11:53 am

Case Contributor
November 13, 2012

I agree Tomahawk! I do feel LE knows who did this and your right their is a huge difference between charging someone with the crime just for the sake of charging someone and actually getting a conviction. Take your pick on who you think did it, it really doesn't matter what the opinion is on who, some make more sense than others but when it really boils down to it their are really only 5 people in my mind that could have done it or even had a motivation to do it. That being said I thought LE enforcement botched it from the beginning (in particular the MCPD) but knowing that the FBI was involved kind of brought me to the conclusion they really wrapped this up in their own minds fairly quickly. I personally would like to see LE release info to the public to help the cause but do understand for obvious reasons that they have had to stay tight lipped for the reasons that Tomahawk stated above. I unfortunately think that of the people that might have been involved like Vinny said earlier are starting to dwindle down with age, imprisonment and other factors that they will not be on the earth forever is starting to play a factor on if this case will ever be solved. I just really wish the person or persons involved would confess. Things that are done in this life do matter and God is a forgiving God and it would be up to the person to seek redemption from God but I do feel that letting the family know what happened would be part of that forgiveness process.
11:06 am

Case Contributor
March 22, 2012

Imho, the person who committed this crime is a psychopath, a disorder characterized by superficial charm, egocentricity, a lack of guilt and a lack of empathy. I think he has created his own fiction about what happened to Jodi (and possibly others) that acquits him of any responsibility. A lot of people believe their own lies, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for him to come forward to provide closure to Jodi's family. Unhappily, the creep committed the perfect crime in the perfect place at the perfect time. He got really, really lucky. Like Big Poppi said, it's all up to God at this point. The only way we might get a resolution and justice for Jodi would be if a member of his family or a friend would come forward.
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